Wool Art
This book is needle felted with the wool from my sheep, and explores and abstracts some of the textures of wool and sheep. Each page is made with wool from a different sheep, and each has a unique feel and color.
Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder
This is a wool puppet of a Beholder (a monster in the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons), which I designed and fabricated. The eyes are all fully removable, and the eye stalks have wire in them and can be positioned. The puppet is approximately 8" tall.
An Ode to Farm Life
These are abstracted icons and textures of everyday things found around the farm, silkscreened onto wool. The set includes a drop spindle, a kernel of corn, a sheep hoof, a hand shears, wood texture, and straw texture.
Delloso de la Rue
This is a fan art puppet I made of one of the characters from Dimension 20's role playing game show, A Court of Fey and Flowers. They are an owlbear and dressed in their gown for the ball in the series.
Salvage Spirits
As I was making the sculptures, I realized that I was starting to view them as characters or creatures, and that to me they seemed like guardians of life and natural things. Then, I started photographing each one in a place that seemed like home or the space that it would watch over and protect. When I was photographing them, I felt like there was something missing, so I decided to incorporate bright colors, and in doing this, open up a dialogue about nature and how it is being effected by humans and inorganic materials like plastics. I took various pieces of plastic trash (plastic bag, a plastic piece of baling twine, and used them to prink brightly colored inks onto the sculptures. I also liked the bright, inorganic colors because they evoked a bower bird’s nest, particularly of a few pictures that I saw where the bird had incorporated colorful plastic and trash into their nest, which is another illustration of how the natural world is having to adapt to humans and inorganic materials.